"Everyone has the same look. We're all 'get this over with' and tired and 'done' and burned out with all this virus stuff," was what Andy yelled at me when I asked him the 1000th time if I was normal with how I feel. Good to know, Andy. I needed that. So...maybe YOU are one of those "taking advantage" of being home? Maybe YOU are someone who needs help to entertain some kiddos? I've been collecting stuff for you, posted by others. Cathy Johnson is a superstar sketching artist. She has a seriously FUN website. She's an inspiration to me. I often thumb through her book that I bought years ago about Pocket Sketching. She has videos, gives workshops, and blogs. Her style is light, textured, and bright. She posts a few things you can try, FREE, during this time. The following are links to Cathy's blog posts. She really has some great links in each, so please click over there! These are listed "in order" of how she posted the lessons. She's a seriously hard working lady artist and I know you'll enjoy all of these, with or without your children. https://cathyjohnsonart.blogspot.com/2020/03/reviving-strathmore-class-free.html https://cathyjohnsonart.blogspot.com/2020/03/reviving-strathmore-class-free_22.html https://cathyjohnsonart.blogspot.com/2020/03/the-importance-of-sketching-in.html https://cathyjohnsonart.blogspot.com/2020/03/reviving-strathmore-class-free-lesson-3.html https://cathyjohnsonart.blogspot.com/2020/03/reviving-strathmore-class-free-lesson-4.html https://cathyjohnsonart.blogspot.com/2020/03/keeping-artists-journal-class-free.html Collage of some of the sun designs made using my iPad, March, 2020, digital art, ©Angeline Marie Martinez
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Drawing, painting both analog and digital, and other artsy things while living in Costa Rica.
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