The first ever drawing book was published in 1608 by Italian painter and printmaker Odoardo Fialetti. For the first time, anyone could learn how to draw at home. I wonder who is accredited with the first ever online drawing class? Yes, I Googled, but couldn’t find who has that credit. For some awesome drawings from 1600s and forward, plus more about the story of drawing books and where the exhibit is being held, please click here: In the meantime, you might find me drawing! Above: my studio armoire with most of my how to draw, etc. books. Yes, a 2020 goal is to organize it, lol!
Below: A detail section of a dog portrait, Maya. A basic skill for painting is drawing. I love painting pet portraits because it means I'm drawing, lol! Comments are closed.
Drawing, painting both analog and digital, and other artsy things while living in Costa Rica.
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