Nakita was the last custom dog painting I ever drew free handed. I spent extra hours repainting her doggy smile. I learned quite a lot from painting her…including that
Cheating with a grid is ok!
I now begin every custom pet painting with a grid. If you’d like to see some of the custom dog and cat paintings I’ve done, please visit my webpage about them. Click on these sentences to see and get a free ebook of how to work with me for your custom pet painting. 11 Advantages Of Sketchbook Practice Over A Painting Studio Practice:
I’ve been here before. It’s ok if I’m not painting. I’m in transition. As long as I can sketch, I’ll be ok. Besides, my Painting Studio Practice will thank me later as I’ll have so many ideas that I can hardly wait to be in there! Want to see more of my sketches? Head on over to Instagram and follow me @angelinemarieartist If you’d like to see how my sketchbooks influence my painting, Lisa Call shared photos of my sketchbooks and a little about how I data mine through them here: Artists and Their Sketchbooks by Lisa Cal 5 Questions Answered by Keeping a Sketchbook
I recently realized that I need a Sketchbook Practice before I have a Painting Art Studio Practice. I love painting. I want to know what to paint. Knowing what to paint helps me get into a roll while in my studio instead of walking In circles, wondering what to paint. The last time my art painting studio was in limbo, I filled sketchbooks at a rate of one per month. These sketchbooks helped me paint for hours when my studio was set up and ready to use! Now, my dream art studio is in limbo…so sketching is what I can do now! If you’d like to see some of my sketches and maybe words from previous years, you click through these: 3 Artist Must Haves mentions sketchbooks Watch on YouTube here: Sketching Drawing at Frida Kahlo Exhibit at Dali Museum Via this channel. What’s new between my art table from November to now? Lights so I can work even at night and during rainy days… Hooks to find scissors and ruler and paint can opener easily…. Gloss gelling (aka wood varnish) my favorite color wheel to keep paper from disintegrating… A stool for being able to work even when tired…. Life is good. Pura vida. Special thank you and tons of brownie points belong to my better half Andy. Want to see how my art table painting space looked before these upgrades? Click this sentence. Want to see a small part of my old painting studio? This video shows my old studio, the one we let go to move to Costa Rica. The easel and other things are currently in storage for my new future studio. It describes what you can expect during an art demo. You can find it by clicking on this paragraph. Ok, not completely in the wild, but at least in someone's garden driveway!
While visiting our neighbor Nacho, I found some rich, black, thick charcoal laying around some flower bushes. The type of charcoal that’s found in a 2x3x1 inch box in an art supply store and sells for a few dollars. The juicy charcoal that oozes blackness on paper…and smudges and brushes away easily to make grays. Nacho laughed at me for asking for his charcoal. Charcoal in Costa Rica is used as deodorant or for gardening fertilizer, not art supplies. He shrugged and offered me more charcoal. I took just what I needed. After all, I just found an almost endless supply, right across our road!!! I finally got to make the value chart I needed for class! If you happen to be in Uvita, Costa Rica, come out and see me and three more awesome artists at Dolce Uvita on Saturday, December 11th, 2021, from 10 am – 3 pm. For more info, |
Drawing, painting both analog and digital, and other artsy things while living in Costa Rica.
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